Personal Galactic Signature

Based on the Dreamspell, every day and every person has a Galactic Signature: 1 of 260 radiant energies which describe the Movement and Measure of Synchronic Time. All 260 signatures are unique, yet equal to each other, working in concert as a radial matrix of harmonic order. Our Galactic Signature is an aspect of our Divine Design, offering insight into our Cosmic Identity and role on the Earth at this time.

The energies of our Galactic Signature inform us of our inherent capabilities as well as strengths we may need to cultivate in service to our personal evolution and the planetary whole. This analysis, based on your date of birth, accurately answers these questions:

What is your galactic signature?
What is your destiny from the moment of birth?
What is your life learning?
By what archetype and energy code are you destined for your spiritual and material prosperity?
What is the central meaning of your existence?
Where is your life force that carries and supports you in this life?
What are your main life challenges?
What is your galactic guide that leads you to an archetype that directly helps you solve and overcome your life challenges?

Galactic Signature determines your destiny, journey of your soul.
This is the first and fundamental analysis on which all other Mayan cosmology analysis are based!


The Process:
Please send your name, surname, date and year of birth to us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will send you a confirmation back within 24 hours on your e-mail with Quotation. As soon as we receive the payment, I begin my work and you will receive your analysis back within 5 working days at the latest.

What will you receive?

You will receive an audio record in English with a European accent :) and photo of your Galactic Signature (Mayan Seals).

NOTE: If You want to receive an audio record in Croatian, please point this out in the e-mail.


For this type of analysis you need to send your name, surname, date and year of birth.