52-years Life Path Analysis

This is the most magnificent analysis of a person's life path from birth to the age of 52. In the Galactic Maya, Sirius is, along with the Moon, Sun and Venus, the most important planet. 52 years is the cycle required for Sirius Beta to surround Sirius Alpha.

After the age of 52, you will find yourself at the same point of destiny as on the day of your birth, which begins a new cycle of 52 years, or your new birth. Although the title of this analysis is the 52-year life path, it actually applies to your entire life and this rebirth happens if you know what and how to start, what to learn and what to change.

Because you belong to a particular galactic family, the solar seals of destiny will show you, for each year of your life, what influence you have been under, under what influence you are now, and what influence you will be under. Each year of your life is determined by
the influence of a particular solar seal. This analysis allows you to understand the influences that have passed through your life. What you should have learned, what you have not yet learned, what you should have changed or strengthened, what you have not yet changed or strengthened.

You will receive valuable information to help you understand journey of your life. What forms of synchronization have descended from the universe throughout your life that have given you the grace, strength, and ability to change. The most important aspect of this analysis is that you will have the opportunity to energetically correct one solar seal every fifth day, which represents 1 year of your life, with the technique you choose (Reiki, Munay ki, energy healing...). We will teach you how to do it. Welcome to the 4th and 5th dimension of time!

2252,81 HRK
€ 299

The Process:
Please send your name, surname, date and year of birth to us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will send you a confirmation back within 24 hours on your e-mail with Quotation. As soon as we receive the payment, I begin my work and you will receive your analysis back within 7 working days at the latest.

What will you receive?

You will receive an audio record in English with a European accent :) and photo of your 52-Year Life Path chart (Mayan Seals).

NOTE: If You want to receive an audio record in Croatian, please point this out in the e-mail.


For this type of analysis you need to send your name, surname, date and year of birth. This analysis also cannot be done without Galactic Signature analysis.