Runes are one of the most significant and quite frequent divination systems used, along with Tarot and I-Ching. Like any other divination system, it is a set of symbols that represent, in a way, a map of the Universe. The word Rune means secret or mystery. It is the root of the Germanic word runen – to cut, shape, indent.

Runes were used throughout northwestern Europe.
Most people associate Runes with the Nordic people, but Runes were also used by the Galactic Maya and in ancient Egypt.

In my divinations, I use Tarot and Runic readings of the Elder Futark. or the so-called Older Futark (the names of the Runes are given in old German). FUTARK represents the basic Runes: Fehu, Uruz, Thirisaz, Ansuz, Raido, Kenan.

The Runic Tarot is a perfect combination of astrological attributions, the mysticism of Kabbalah and the Tree of Life and Runic cleromancy. Cleromancy is divination through earthly objects, i.e. natural elements (wood, stone, water, etc.).

This divination combined with the previously mentioned original teachings of Tarot and Kabbalah gives detailed and powerful information about almost all areas of our lives. With this analysis, you enter into the mysticism of Runes, which allows you to get an additional expanded insight into your questions as well as links with the world of crystals, minerals, plants... the world that surrounds you.


The Process:

Please send your details and question to us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will send you a confirmation back within 24 hours on your e-mail with Quotation, asking you brief description of the situation your are in, or some data if a certain reading requires it. As soon as we receive the payment, I begin my work and you will receive your answer/reading back within 5 working days at the latest.

What will you receive?

You will receive an audio record in English with a European accent :) and photo of the cards drawn. The record length will be approx 40 min.

NOTE: If You want to receive an audio record in Croatian, please point this out in the e-mail.