Three Voices Reading allows time for one topic to be explored trough three different channels of Druid wisdom: mystical voices of Druid tarot, sacred animals and magical flora.

First voice is channeled by the mystical Druid Craft Tarot, whose creation was inspired by the teachings of Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn (one of the most powerful spiritual orders in our history) which succeeded in synthesizing many of the disparate strands of the Western Magical Tradition and by Pagan Traditions – particularly Celtic and Druidic, linking us much further back into the past to the ideas found in the teaching of Pythagoreanism and ancient tales.

Second voice is channeled by the sacred animals of Druid tradition that are revered for their ability to bridge the gap between material world and the Otherworld. They can bring messages and advices, act as our guides, teachers, protectors and healers.

The third voice is channeled by magical flora of the Druid tradition. Every plant is a living being that has its own physical constituents, color, aroma, taste, vibration or energy and its own spirit. Plants have a power to influence us on different level: physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. A powerful union of energies between plant and man can transform ones life. As the children of Mother Earth, let their powers help you on your path.

Why to choose a Three Voices Reading?

Three voices together make a wonderful synergy of answers from three sources. Each voice brings its own unique messages. The atmosphere of this analysis is like talking to three sages about one topic, each with their own insights, wisdom and knowledge about the root of the problem, about your learning and personal growth through life situations and their own advice on how to act in the best way so that you can progress, make healthy decisions and bring harmony into your life. When we are in harmony with ourselves, then we are in harmony with others and with the world around us.

971,95 HRK

The Process:

Please send your details and question to us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will send you a confirmation back within 24 hours on your e-mail with Quotation, asking you brief description of the situation your are in, or some data if a certain reading requires it. As soon as we receive the payment, I begin my work and you will receive your answer/reading back within 5 working days at the latest.

What will you receive?

You will receive an audio record in English with a European accent :) and photo of the cards drawn. The record length will be approx 40 min.

NOTE: If You want to receive an audio record in Croatian, please point this out in the e-mail.