Energy healing is system that restoress the balance and flow of energy throuhout the body, mind and soul. The first step towards high-energy harmonization of body and spirit is certainly guided Merkaba meditation, Energy Synchronization, and Chakra Cleansing with mantras.
The Merkaba comes from ancient Egypt, a technique that helps us synchronize and energize our physical and subtle bodies into the lights of the tetrahedrons, which with their energies and colors create a rainbow around our subtle body and mother Earth.
MER- refers to a special type of light
KA- refers to the energy of the pure spirit
BA- refers to the body or the physical world.
Therefore, the Merkaba is a field of light that, by pulsating and rotating, cleanses, spiritualizes and synchronizes our physical body and spirit.
It is truly stepping outside the artificial time created around mother Earth.
After the complete cleansing of the Chakras with Merkaba and Mantras, a Reiki treatment is followed for the chakras to protect them from negative energies and to further raise their energy with Master Reiki Symbols.
What does this healing include?
7 TREATMENTS approx 45 minutes long which include:
- GUIDED MERKABA MEDITATION which harmonizes the rhythm of your heart with the rhythm of the Earth's heart.
- REIKI TREATMENT for protection and healing
The Process:
Please send a message with your name, surname, date and year of birth to us at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. We will send you a confirmation back within 24 hours on your e-mail with Quotation. As soon as we receive the payment, we will agree on 7 sessions (via Skype or Zoom) that suit you best. Since energy knows no time or space, no personal visit is necessary.